Paradise Shore

Discussion in 'Communities' started by Tau434, Feb 23, 2019.

  1. Welcome to Paradise Shore!


    Paradise Shore is a newly opened beachside community nestled a few thousand blocks from Island Warp near a magnificent coral reef. Ever dreamed of owning a vacation plot where you can spend time away from it all? Or maybe you've been wanting that perfect oceanside spot to build an aquatic-themed personal paradise? Whatever your fantasies may be, you'll find satisfaction and contentment amongst the beautiful landscape of Paradise Shore.

    Current Population: 21


    2019-02-23_13.43.49.jpg 2019-02-23_13.44.42.jpg

    Commute with the Elytra Air Network: Take to the sky thanks to a robust Elytra Air Network that can take you to and from Paradise Shore to the Island Warp and beyond! Starting at Island Warp Airpot (IWA), use the provided network maps to fly to your intended destination. Slime launchers at major airports will give you the boost needed to get off the ground, while the Paradise Shore Int'l Airport provides full conveniences like information, a baggage claim, a three story parking lot, and even a restaurant!

    Live right next to a Coral Reef: This magnificent and sprawling aquatic paradise teems with life and wonder - and your future plot is only a few blocks away from all of it. The reef is fully protected by the Paradise Shore administration - ensuring its beauty will endure and be available for all to see!

    Explore history at the Museum: No town would be complete without a little history! Explore the up and coming museum at Paradise Shore - complete with a head collection, display of rares and event items, and a unique oak tree that has grown without any branches!


    Events and Giveaways!


    From the Island Warp, follow the big sign for IWA to get to the Island Warp Int'l Airport. Use the provided elytra launching pad or take a boat to -20210,-15486 to arrive at the Paradise Shore Int'l Airport. For reference - Paradise Shore is about 2-3k blocks south of the warp.

    Town Rules

    1. All server rules apply
    2. Only one plot may be claimed per player at this time
    3. Please do not claim outside marked areas. Marked areas are defined as 20x20 spots with a sign labeled "plot available!" White wool blocks mark out a 20x20 plot.
    4. Please do not claim, grief, or significantly alter blocks within 100 blocks of Paradise Shore/Tau's claims. I am more than happy to be neighbors, I simply ask that you respect the 100 block rule on the server and the vicinity of the town.
    5. Respect your neighbors and their property.
    6. These rules are subject to change at the discretion of Tau.

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    Last edited: Mar 31, 2019
    • Creative Creative x 1
  2. Perhaps I will join! It sounds like a cool place to live!
    • Funny Funny x 1
  3. Sounds like a dictatorship to me ;-)
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. Hi all - will have to delay the Elytra giveaway until two weekends from now. Unfortunately can't do tomorrow anymore and will be gone next weekend. I'll update signage to be March 30th
    • Like Like x 1
  5. Hello everyone! I want to give a HUGE thank you to everyone who participated in the Elytra Giveaway event! We had 20 participants in the running and ultimately it was a big field of potential winners. We've also seen the town grow exponentially in creative and awesome builds - drop by to see them today!

    So to determine the contest winner - I used a Random Number Generator and assigned all residents with a valid claim in the town to a number. I am happy to announce that after submitting the range to the generator, the winner is:


    The winner has already received their prize at this time. Again, thank you so much to everyone who participated - and I urge you to keep your ears open! Another special contest is right around the corner!

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