
Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Miruku, Dec 2, 2020.

  1. Miruku

    Miruku Villager

    I am Miruku O/

    (runs away)
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  2. ok
  3. Rubinator_123

    Rubinator_123 Admin Admin

    Hi Miruku!
    I am bean, nice to meet ya :)
  4. SmolRin

    SmolRin Veteran

    Hewo o/
  5. The Lord of Time welcomes you to safe survival. Hope you enjoy your time!
  6. SarUK

    SarUK Recruit

    Koala welcomes you.
  7. MusicOwner

    MusicOwner Moderator Moderator

    MusicOwner Owner of all the Music also welcomes you
  8. Hi Miruku
    I welcome you
  9. Welcome, Miruku!
    I hope that you are enjoying your stay on the server.
    I'll see you around sometime! :)
