Ban appeal for JoaoAlkmim

Discussion in 'Ban Appeals' started by JoaoAlkmim, Apr 20, 2020.

  1. JoaoAlkmim

    JoaoAlkmim Villager

    Full In-Game Name: JoaoAlkmim
    Ban Reason (As shown on the ban screen): X-ray first offense
    Person Who Banned You: Jaffasaurus
    Length of Ban: 14 days

    Good afternoon.
    First of all I would like to apologize for grammatical errors, I am not fluent in English.
    Today I woke up with the illustrious presence of Jaffasaurus at my base informing me that I was being banned for using a texture pack xray (whatever does that mean).
    It turns out that in the rules it says we can't use xray textures or hacked clients, and I didn't use them.
    I recently asked the staff (I don't remember the person's name) if I could be banned for changing the resolution and field of view of my minecraft to increase the field of view, and'em stated that I can't be banned by this, even though it allowing me to see 3 blocks behind the wall.
    It is not a known exploit, it is a mechanic of the game in the same way as to make iron golems appear magically in the sky.

    Anyway, I don't think that 14 days of banning and having the assets confiscated is a passive measure, given the fact that I questioned before if changing my field of vision to mine could lead to a ban.

    Anyway, here's a short video showing how I made the tunnels to mine and how some diamonds can be seen behind a bedrock without Xray texture packs. (Anyone can be using this right now, given there is no need to use textures, plugins or anything). (link removed)

    Waiting 14 days to be able to play again is a long time, and have to collect all the resources again is even more demotivating, so I think it is goodbye.
    Emmhs you are adorable.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 22, 2020
  2. Jaffasaurus

    Jaffasaurus Purple Dinosaur

    Hey, thanks for taking the time to appeal. After looking over the evidence me and other mods have come to a conclusion that you are using some kind of x-ray not just abusing a glitch (which also isn't allowed). So the ban will stay. Please look over the screenshots provided.

    First screenshot shows you going forward, making a staircase down into diamond ore.

    Second screenshot shows you going straight, then doing a jagged turn into diamonds.

    Third screenshot shows you stray from main tunnel and go down into diamonds.

    Fourth screenshot has you doing a sharp right turn into diamonds.

    The final screenshot shows you turning right into diamonds, then you staircase down into more.

    Please remove your texture pack or client before returning, Thanks.
  3. JoaoAlkmim

    JoaoAlkmim Villager

    I don't use any texture pack and I probably won't return. Anyway, thanks.
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