Appeal for KingTitusIV and MLG_MixTape

Discussion in 'Ban Appeals' started by KingTitusIV, Aug 8, 2019.

  1. Full In-Game Name: KingTitusIV and MLG_MixTape
    Ban Reason (As shown on the ban screen): Bypassing a ban is not allowed
    Person Who Banned Us: POVA
    Length of Ban: 20 hours
    My sister and I were banned we believe because we are on the same IP as our younger brother (FatDog888) who got banned for 20 days for X-ray hacking. Neither of us believes that we should be banned because we didn't do anything wrong. Can someone please reverse our bans???
    Thanks so much!!! :)
    Audrey and Beverly
    aka KingTitusIV and MLG_MixTape
  2. nutalie

    nutalie Veteran

    hey, you both have been unbanned now, sorry about that ;p