20O6 Ban Appeal

Discussion in 'Ban Appeals' started by 20O6, Jun 26, 2018.

  1. 20O6

    20O6 Villager

    Full In-Game Name: 20O6
    Ban Reason (As shown on the ban screen): no intent to play
    Person Who Banned You: Cheli
    Length of Ban:9865 days 6 hours 5 minutes
    Back when I was banned, I did have no intent to play on the server, but now all my friends want to play the server with me but I am banned. I realized what I did was very wrong and I probably shouldn't have done anything in the first place. I used to always be angry at people, but now I feel I have come to my senses and I just like to play this server again. I feel ready to be good in the server community and help others and be nice to others. I just feel really bad and I want to come back to this paradise of a server that I miss so much. I'm really sorry for my wrong. If I do get unbanned I promise this will never happen again. I will respect any decision you make. I know that you know whats best for me :).
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2018
    • Funny Funny x 3
  2. Thanks for your appeal. I'm reviewing it with staff and will have an answer for you shortly.
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  3. Hello 20o6 (AKA Pr0f1le?)

    We discussed your ban and appeal and have decided to lift the ban and allow you another chance on the server. I will request that you please reread the rules of the server, redstone rules, chat rules (in the tab at the top of our website or /rules in game) and abide by them wholeheartedly.

    Welcome back. If you have any questions please ask the community and use /helpop for moderator assistance. Hope to see your best in game.

    I will request that a full mod unbans you. So please be patient for that to take place. Thanks.
  4. 20O6

    20O6 Villager

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