Pride Month Mapart 2020

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by Jaffasaurus, May 26, 2020.

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  1. Rapsor

    Rapsor Villager

    Rapsor and AlexSia007 we would like to have 2 adjacent plots! TY! ^^
  2. Adam

    Adam Villager

  3. RavenDay

    RavenDay Villager

    I'd like a plot please. - RavenDay
  4. space

    space Villager

    Hihi, I’d like a plot! User - spacebabiee
  5. MCSRoflcopter
  6. Jaffasaurus

    Jaffasaurus Purple Dinosaur

    All plots are filled, if you didn't get a spot still be sure to apply for one. After 2 weeks of inactivity on a plot it will be given away.
  7. ToasterStroodel for the extra plot
  8. Wesley2610

    Sure, why not
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